Progressive Spying on Car Wreck Victims
In August, the Atlanta Journal Constitution broke a story about
Progressive Insurance Company’s use of private investigators in a
shocking manner. The story, which is unfortunately no longer available
online, stated as follows:
When a new couple arrived at Southside Christian Fellowship
in August 2005, members welcomed them with open arms. Soon, the new
couple talked their way into private group support sessions…During
the private talks, church members confessed abortions, sexual
orientation issues, drug addictions and other dark secrets. No one knew
the couple wasn’t actually interested in joining the church. Instead,
they were private investigators hoping two church members…would spill
something they could use to discredit the pair in an ongoing lawsuit
over a traffic accident. The private eyes even tape-recorded the
Immediately after the story broke, the Progressive CEO offered an apology, calling the situation “appalling.”
But Progressive is now singing a different tune. In a lawsuit filed by the personal injury victims, Progressive is now asserting that the conduct was “reasonable.”
It will be interesting to watch and see how this story plays out.